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Open Source at Netflix: A Conversation with Andy Glover[interview]
Andy Glover, director of delivery engineering at Netflix, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about a couple of Netflix's open source projects, the benefits of open source, and a few open source lessons his team learned along the way. Continue the conversation with Andy and Owen (@owen) on the TechWell Hub (! |
Embedding Security in a DevOps World[article] Faster DevOps processes also create new challenges. It was difficult enough to add security into a traditional waterfall software development lifecycle with monthly or quarterly releases, but now software updates are released several times a day! What can developers do to build and maintain more secure applications? Here are some ways to encourage better security practices throughout the DevOps lifecycle. |
Bringing Continuous Testing to Your Organization[article] Continuous testing means all your tests are executing all the time, providing continuous feedback into the quality and health of your applications. In order to achieve continuous testing, you must first adopt the right test automation strategy. Understanding how to bring in all different types of test automation practices as efficiently as possible enables you to get started down the path of continuous testing. |
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day...and Neither is Your DevSecOps[presentation]
DevSecOps is about more than just the tools—it is an organizational, operational, and strategic transformation. So, as a “thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance” across the three main pillars of an organization, how can we expect a DevSecOps transformation to take place overnight? |
Brittany Greenfield
Infrastructure as Code: The Foundation of Effective DevOps[article] The absence of versioned infrastructure as code (IaC) and automated provisioning undermines one of the most important benefits of DevOps: the ability to version, manage, and control the servers and networking required to run software applications in development, testing, and production. Automating infrastructure setup and continuous monitoring helps keep system environments stable and less susceptible to outages. |
A Simpler Way of Using Machine Learning to Shift Testing Left[article] The advantages of shifting left and testing as early as possible are obvious. But as you automate more testing, the test suite grows larger and larger, and it takes longer and longer to run. Instead, just automate the process of finding the right set of tests to run. The key to that is machine learning. This isn't AI bots finding bugs autonomously without creating tests; this is a different way to use machine learning, and it’s far simpler. |
Inverting the Test Automation Pyramid[article] A growing company was tasked to develop a test automation program from scratch, change its coding practices, and build a continuous testing toolchain. Martin Ivison details how they did it, including realizing that implementing the traditional test pyramid wasn't going to work—it would have to be turned upside down. They found out that small is beautiful, cheap is good, and cultural change matters. |
Clean Coding Practices for a Scalable Test Automation Framework[article] Many organizations are looking to expand their automation abilities by designing and developing test automation frameworks. However, we often abandon good coding practices in favor of working as fast as possible. We need to treat this project like any other application development project. Here are three of the most important clean coding practices to keep in mind in order to make a scalable test automation framework. |
Coaching Senior Managers: A Conversation with Jan Jaap Cannegieter[interview]
Jan Jaap Cannegieter, principal consultant at Squerist, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about senior management’s new role in agile development, strategies for providing feedback to managers, and why more teams should shift testing right. Continue the conversation with Jan Jaap and Owen (@owen) on the TechWell Hub (! |
7 Ways to Change the Culture for DevOps Success[article] The hard part of successful DevOps isn’t implementing the technology; it's ensuring you have the right culture in your organization. You need to break down silos and align competing priorities and individual incentives to gain real benefits from DevOps. Move beyond thinking about technology alone and look at the people side of the equation. Here are seven ways to create a successful team that delivers the benefits of DevOps. |
Taming Your Dragon: From No QA to Fully Integrated QA [presentation]
Many companies struggle with their QA processes and think of them as bottlenecks to their releases. Join Priyanka on her journey of transforming QA and improving its reputation and reliability. |
Priyanka Halder
Bringing AI into Testing: An Interview with Jeremias Rößler [interview]
Jeremias Rößler, founder of ReTest, discusses his company’s open source re-check tool, how customer input was vital to the tool’s development, and shares insight on growing a start-up. Jeremias also provides resources for learning about AI that can guide you on how to apply AI into your testing strategy. |
Test Everywhere: A Journey into DevOps and Continuous Testing[article] A move to DevOps creates an opportunity to shift the testing process to the left. But what if you went further? DevOps supports continuous testing, so you can advocate for a constant focus on quality, with testing permeating the entire software development process. Here's how you can actually have a faster testing process when the software is tested throughout the lifecycle, by developers, testers, and automation alike. |
Utilizing Containers to Improve Your Production Outcomes: An Interview with Melissa Benua[interview]
Melissa Benua, engineering manager at mParticle, discusses the role that containers play in test environments. She answers questions like: Why do you need containers? How is your team going to benefit from containers? What is the first step in getting started with containers? Melissa provides resources for learning how to make a container and on how containers will aid you in maintaining control over data and code. |
How to Incorporate Agile and Automation in a Regulated Environment: An Interview with John McConda[interview]
John McConda, principal consultant at Mozer Consulting, discusses his workshop designed to aid testers who work in a regulated environment to implement agile and automated testing. He talks about how those who work in businesses that are regulated by federal agencies, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and other compliance requirements can still work within those rigid specifications to introduce agile and automated processes. |