STAREAST 2006 - Software Testing Conference

Put on a Gamer's Hat with Data Flow Testing
Designing tests from the point-of-view of the data is like playing a first-person-shooter game. It's fun-and it can give you a deeper understanding of the application under test. Data moves through an application like a player traverses a game. It flows through a maze (to and from the database), encounters enemies (validations), picks up inventory items (attributes), and solves puzzles (business rules) to win (accepted) or lose (rejected). |
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Risk-Based Testing in Practice
The testing community has been talking about risk-based testing for quite a while, and now most projects apply some sort of implicit risk-based testing approach. However, risk-based testing should be more than just brainstorming within the test team; it should be based on business drivers and business value. The Test team is not the risk owner-the products' stakeholders are. It is our job to inform the stakeholders about risk-based decisions and provide visibility on product risk status. |
![]() Erik van Veenendaal, Improve Quality Services BV |
S-Curves and the Zero Bug Bounce: Plotting the Way to Better Testing
The use of objective test metrics is an important step toward improving your ability to effectively manage any test effort. With the two test metrics-the S-Curve and Zero Bug Bounce-you can easily track the progress of the test effort. Learn to graph the S-Curve, showing cumulative test cases planned, attempted, and completed over time. |
![]() Shaun Bradshaw, Questcon Technologies, A Division of Howard Systems Intl. |
Sarbanes and Oxley: Your New Stakeholders
Determining whether legal and contractual issues apply to your development efforts isn't always simple. There may be some obvious factors: a well-regulated industry, service level agreements, and state or federal agency oversight. However, other factors may not be so obvious. The new Sarbanes-Oxley Act is largely legally untested, subjecting your company to unknown legal issues. You have an eCommerce site that stores credit card information. Your portal collects personal information. You produce proprietary software . . . and more. |
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Security Testing: Are You a Deer in the Headlights?
With frequent reports in the news of successful hacker attacks on Web sites, application security is no longer an afterthought. More than ever, organizations realize that security has to be a priority while applications are being developed-not after. Developers and QA professionals are learning that Web application security vulnerabilities must be treated like any other software defect. Organizations can save time and money by identifying and correcting these security defects early in the development process. |
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She Said, He Heard: Challenges and Triumphs in Global Outsourcing
You are asked to put together a QA group in India that will work in tandem with your US team to provide twenty-four hour support for a global financial company. And what did Judy Hallstrom, Manager of Testing Services, and Indian Project Manager, Ravi Sekhar Reddy, and their group accomplish? The successful implementation of a fully integrated QA function, from scratch, in less than one year with minimal infrastructure. |
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SOA and Web Services Testing Involve the Whole Team
Serious enterprise application development is moving to Service Oriented Architectures as companies try to leverage existing applications while meeting new customer demands. Even as the ability to connect Web sites dynamically adds significant new levels of business functionality, it opens up a new point of failure with each connection. Code coverage is becoming far less important than the ability to test every component of your J2EE stack in the same environment as it will be deployed in production. |
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STAREAST 2006: All I Need to Know about Testing I Learned from Dr. Seuss
Through the stories and parables of Theodor Geisel, we can learn simple, yet remarkably powerful approaches for solving testing problems. In a tour of common issues we encounter in testing-test planning, staff training, communications, test case design, test execution, status reporting, and more, Robert Sabourin explains how you can apply lessons from the great books of Dr. Seuss to testing. |
![]() Robert Sabourin, Inc |
STAREAST 2006: Apprenticeships: A Forgotten Concept in Testing
The system of apprenticeship was first developed in the late Middle Ages. The uneducated and inexperienced were employed by a master craftsman in exchange for formal training in a particular craft. So why does apprenticeship seldom happen within software testing? Do we subconsciously believe that just about anyone can test software? Join Lloyd Roden and discover what apprenticeship training is and-even more importantly-what it is not. Learn how this practice can be easily adapted to suit software testing. |
![]() Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants |
STAREAST 2006: Branch Out Using Classification Trees for Test Case Design
Classification trees are a structured, visual approach to identify and categorize equivalence partitions for test objects to document test requirements so that anyone can understand them and quickly build test cases. Join Julie Gardiner to look at the fundamentals of classification trees and how they can be applied in both traditional and agile test and development environments. |
![]() Julie Gardiner, QST Consultants Ltd. |