Better Software Magazine Articles

A Fond Farewell

Get our technical editors’ take on everything that relates to the industry, technically speaking. In this issue, Esther Derby says farewell, but as she goes, she leaves some parting tips on writing.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby
Practical Career Advancement

A word from the Technical Editor

Brian Marick
A Study of Myers-Briggs Types Relative to CM Professionals (2003)

What makes configuration management (CM) professionals so unique? Is it the way we can view a complex task and break it down into meaningful activities? Is it the way we can bring some level of order to chaos? Is it that we not only want to understand the details on how things work, but we also like to understand the big picture? Is it our need to improve our environment? Or is it the way we persevere at difficult tasks in trying to bring together the pieces that comprise our deliverables?

Mario  Moreira's picture Mario Moreira
When You're Tested

This article details interview behavior basics you should follow before, during, and after the interview. Jonathan Bach shares the secrets of putting your best foot forward when you're the one being tested.

Jon Bach's picture Jon Bach
Taking Stock of Your Career

Assess the state of your career by making a list of the positives and negatives. By creating your dream job on paper you can form a plan to help you get there. Elisabeth Hendrickson encourages you to make the time to take stock of your current career situation.

Elisabeth Hendrickson's picture Elisabeth Hendrickson
Will the Real Professional Testers Please Step Forward?

In this week's column, James Whittaker's message to testers is loud and clear: Respect your discipline and you will gain the respect that your discipline deserves. Read on for some ways that testers can earn respect, and for some common elements present in organizations that recognize the importance of testing.

James Whittaker's picture James Whittaker
Advance Your Career--Get Involved

Professional development activities can help you stay competitive in the marketplace. Eric Patel describes ways you can benefit from extracurricular career activities such as volunteering, joining professional associations, attending and speaking at conferences, and pursuing continuing education.

Eric Patel
Leveraging Software Resources

The Critical Chain approach to project management is being applied on more and more software development projects to achieve significant benefits in quality of life, lead time, and productivity. Rob Newbold provides an overview of the Critical Chain approach as it applies to software development. Where is time and energy typically wasted? How can we focus attention on those areas where improvement will do the most good? Learn the specific leverage points typically addressed through Critical Chain Project Management in order to achieve real, lasting results.

Rob Newbold, ProChain Solutions, Inc.
What to Do When the Right Person Doesn't Come Along

Finding just the right technical person remains a challenge. Waiting for just the right person to come along, or hiring someone with inadequate skills, can often result in late or high-defect projects. A project will most likely fail if you have not hired the appropriate staff. Learn when to wait when hiring for a position, and when to change what people will do.

Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc.
Should a Manager Know a Language?

Knowing C++ or Java can make a manager's job easier. But what about being an expert in spoken language? It's essential to be competent in the use of daily language when you are making the transition to management. Technical Editor Esther Derby gives advice on improving your language, including a warning about the dangers of using absolutes and of leaving out details in conversation.

Esther Derby's picture Esther Derby


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