
Conference Presentations

Getting Started with Open Source Testing Tools

In the not-too-distant past, the only viable options for testing complicated web-based applications were commercial (i.e., expensive) tools. These tools were well designed but...

Marcus Merrell, RetailMeNot, Inc.
Implementing DevOps and Making It Stick

If you’ve ever been involved in promoting cultural change within an organization, you may have experienced something even more disheartening than flat-out rejection—a full rollback of hard-won cultural change followed by a decade-long resentment of anyone remotely associated with the...

Alex Papadimoulis , Inedo
iOS Test Automation: The Trifecta

In this agile world, as the expectations for rapid mobile application development and delivery get shorter every day, the users’ patience with a buggy app has become almost nonexistent. Elizabeth Taylor shares how to reduce iOS application testing time and gain confidence in your...

Elizabeth Taylor, Digimarc
Scaling Your Tests: Continued Change Without Fear

Agile teams move faster when cycle times are short and code deployments are frequent. To release often, a robust suite of automated tests is a must-have. Tests are the safety net that enables fearless change. Throughout a software system's lifespan, its test suite grows, evolves, and decays.

Ryan Scott, Rally Software Development
Implementing Cloud-Based DevOps for Distributed Agile Projects

Cloud-based development, delivery, and deployment environments are the future of IT operations. Thomas Stiehm shares the hard-learned lessons of setting up and running cloud-based solutions that implement DevOps for geographically distributed agile projects. Thomas describes...

Thomas Stiehm, Coveros, Inc.
An Interview with Mik Kersten: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series

Committed to covering the latest trends and approaches for anyone investigating or implementing agile development practices, processes, technologies, and leadership principles, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series. 

Mik Kersten, Tasktop
An Interview with Woody Zuill: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series

Committed to covering the latest tools, trends, and issues regarding software development approaches, plan-driven development methods, and process improvement programs, Agile Development & Better Software Conference West offers their 2013 interview series. 

Woody Zuill, Hunter Industries
STARCANADA 2013 Keynote: Cool! Testing's Getting Fun Again

The last exciting era in testing was the late ‘90s when the web turned technology on its ear, the agile movement overthrew our processes, and the rise of open source gave us accessible and innovative tools. However, since then, Jonathan Kohl finds it has been a lot of the same-old, same-old.

Jonathan Kohl, Kohl Concepts, Inc.
Reports of the Death of Testing Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

Have you heard? It’s all over the social media. We are the “last generation of testers.” Testing is dead. No more classical testing—too much inflexible process. Context driven? That is a code phrase for do whatever. Agility? Developers do testing, and testers become developers. DevOps?

Ruud Teunissen, Polteq Test Services BV
The Next Level of Agile: DevOps and Continuous Delivery

Mature agile organizations are introducing continuous delivery as a crucial step to realize their goal of delivering business value rapidly. Andrew Phillips highlights implementation issues about how agile development can fit with enterprise release management policies and governance needs. Andrew outlines proven practices and selection criteria for tools to help you address these issues. Then, he presents a DevOps case study demonstrating the continuous delivery process for building, packaging, deploying, and testing a complex application. Find out about deployment support for server and resource configurations, application binaries, database upgrades and rollbacks, messaging, and enterprise service buses. With the right tools and processes you can develop an open, extensible framework that supports additional services and platforms.

Andrew Phillips, XebiaLabs Inc.


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