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Automate Your Testing When Should You Automate Your Testing?

Although it sounds counterintuitive, manual testing still plays a large role in automation. In truth, manual testing will never go away. While automation is all the rage, there are instances when manual testing is preferable over automation. Knowing when to employ one tactic over the other can be helpful in reaching your goals.

Mush Honda's picture Mush Honda
Lean and Agile Lean and Agile Principles in Software Development

Agile software development methodologies grew out of lean principles pioneered in business and industry over the past seventy years, and they are now often referred to as lean’s digital counterpart. By better understanding the philosophy behind lean, developers can gain insight into agile and its uses and pitfalls, making the most of its practice for their team.

Uday Kumar's picture Uday Kumar
DevOps Teams Programmable Infrastructure and DevOps Teams

A decade ago, continuous integration became a key practice to support the agile process. Now, the hot topic is continuous delivery, and Pini Reznik has noticed many similarities between the adoption of CD today and the implementation of CI. You can learn a lot from past experiences.

Pini Reznik's picture Pini Reznik
Traceable Tests Guide Your Agile Development with Traceable Tests

Testing professionals who are learning about agile often want to know how they can provide traceability among automated tests, features, and bugs and report on their testing progress. Here, Lisa Crispin gives an example of how her previous team worked together to integrate testing with coding and helped everyone see testing progress at a glance.

Lisa Crispin's picture Lisa Crispin
Open Source Code Management Integrating Open Source Code Management Tools in the SDLC

Developers realize that to meet deadlines may require assembling both proprietary and available open source software components. This article talks about exploiting benefits and managing challenges with reusing code for open source projects, open source code management tools and their integration, and leveraging managed open source software.

Hassib Khanafer's picture Hassib Khanafer
Benefits of DevOps Survey Results: Businesses Reap the Benefits of DevOps Practices

According to a global DevOps survey conducted by Rackspace, DevOps adoption is becoming more widespread and companies are beginning to see real and measurable business benefits from doing DevOps. However, resistance to establishing a new practice is to be expected. This article examines how to get companywide buy-in and get started on the road to DevOps.

Prashanth Chandrasekar's picture Prashanth Chandrasekar
Test Management and Analytics Supporting Accelerated App Delivery through Test Management and Analytics

Careful test management is essential to push reliable apps out the door, so testers and developers must work closely together to identify repetitive tests and automate them. Effective test automation ensures that the right tests are run at the right time. Because quality isn’t just about how well the software works technically; it also has to deliver what the customer wants.

Viktor Clerc's picture Viktor Clerc
Multifaceted Development Environment How to Efficiently Set Up a Multifaceted Development Environment

The matrix of infrastructures and platforms developers require presents a number of different options to set up and administrate the ecosystem. Rami Honig describes his company’s journey to create a robust development environment that is functional and collaborative.

Rami Honig's picture Rami Honig
Shifting Right in DevOps The Importance of Shifting Right in DevOps

One of the principles of DevOps is to shift left by involving operations, quality assurance, testing, and information security early in the process. But it's also a good idea to have the team shift their knowledge right to help developers understand how the systems behave in real-world scenarios, including scalability, infrastructure architecture, and disaster recovery.

Bob Aiello's picture Bob Aiello
Project Management ALM Using Project Management to Orchestrate Collaboration in ALM

The biggest challenges of current application lifecycle management processes are dispersion of teams, muddied transitions, and the constant movement of information and artifacts. Project management tools compensate for this constant exchange by providing artifact repositories, streamlined task management, and visibility across the board.

Aleks Peterson's picture Aleks Peterson


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