Conference Presentations

Test Infrastructure for Native and Hybrid iOS and Android Applications

How do you create a test infrastructure that allows automated testing of both native and hybrid apps? Ankit Desai and Binod Pant will describe the approach they took to develop a comprehensive test infrastructure. Their aim was to leverage MathWorks’ existing home-grown continuous...

Ankit Desai and Binod Pant
The Internet of Things in Action: Anki’s OVERDRIVE Racing Game

As products like Fitbit, Skylanders, and Anki’s OVERDRIVE race car game pop up all over, developers and testers need to be prepared for the wave of Internet of Things (IoT) products. Focusing on the mobile interactions of these devices and the tools used at Anki, Jane Fraser shows you how...

Jane Fraser
Uber’s Fascinating World of Inter-App Communications

After joining Uber in early 2015, Apple Chow and Bian Jiang encountered an Uber-unique challenge while investigating UI testing tools for their mobile applications. Many of their sanity tests required the rider application and driver application to communicate and coordinate actions in...

Apple Chow and Bian Jiang
Can Your Mobile Infrastructure Survive 1 Million Concurrent Users?

You’re building the next killer mobile app. How do you ensure that your app is both stable and capable of near-instant data updates? Build a backend! But there’s more to building a backend than standing up a SQL server in your datacenter and calling it a day. Since different types of apps...

Melissa Benua and Siva Katir
Building Connected and Disconnected Mobile Applications

Creating a great connected experience across multiple platforms is an essential element of great mobile applications. However, what happens when there is little to no connectivity—such as on an airplane or in some foreign countries? Does your mobile app effortlessly synchronize data when...

James Montemagno
Wearables: Testing the Human Experience

Testing wearables is fundamentally more complex than any other mobile device class. Wearables become extensions of us, so testing should focus on the total experience of the wearer—the emotional, physical and sensory reactions, including our biases and mindsets. It involves testing in the...

Gerie Owen
Gradle for Android Developers

The new build mechanism replacing Ant for Android development is based on Gradle, the popular build tool from the Groovy ecosystem. Ken Kousen introduces you to Gradle for Android developers and shows how easy it is to integrate Gradle into Android projects. We’ll show the latest version...

Ken Kousen
Test Automation: Now We Have to Get It Right

Never afraid to voice his opinion, Paul Gerrard suggests that in digital transformation projects, test automation may be the biggest challenge to success. He argues we have to get automation right this time and to do this, a new way of thinking about testing may be required.

Paul Gerrard's picture Paul Gerrard
People Should Think and Machines Should Test

Testers often develop programmatic tests that mimic manual test conditions. Harry Robinson and Doug Szabo use real programming examples to show how the computer can provide better test coverage than the test author conceived.

Harry Robinson's picture Harry Robinson Doug Szabo
level up 4 Steps to Level Up Your Testing Game and Advance Your Career

As more businesses are adopting DevOps and demanding continuous delivery, it's important for testers to constantly upgrade their skills. By leveraging the right resources, including developer and application performance management tools, you can play a bigger and more collaborative role in producing higher-quality output.

Andreas Grabner's picture Andreas Grabner


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