An Interview with Better Software Magazine Editor Ken Whitaker

We'd like to introduce the newly appointed editor of Better Software magazine, Ken Whitaker. Ken has a long history in software and is a great addition to the team. If you're interested in writing for Better Software, drop Ken a line. His contact info can be found in this interview
Noel: Please take a minute to introduce yourself and give a little history of your background, if you wouldn't mind!
Ken: My name is Ken Whitaker and I have been leading commercial software development teams for well over twenty-five years. Lately I am mixing my time with putting on workshops, writing books, consulting with computer companies, and creating software apps. I'm not sure why I like to multitask as much as I do, but I guess my motivation is centered on building great software products and building knowledge to hopefully improve this wonderful software development industry.
Noel: What kinds of things drew you to wanting to work with Better Software magazine?
Ken: My original college major selection was a little odd since I double-majored in Fine Arts and Mathematics. That background coupled with years of creating software products with insanely simple UI (I lead development of Harvard Graphics, for example) has given me a real appreciation to the art of effective communication. Better Software magazine is an amazing vehicle to clearly communicate ways to lots of folks worldwide how to improve the software delivery process.
I like to write and really enjoy using publishing/graphics tools, so my transition to an online magazine editing role felt like a natural next step for me. After meeting the Better Software team, I can see why the magazine is so well-liked by so many readers.
Noel: Have any great ideas for the future of the publication, whether in the print or online version?
Ken: I wish I had an answer, but with only a little over thirty days at BSM I'm still learning the process. One strategy that Heather, our director of publishing, and I would like is to see each issue have a theme with the articles supporting that theme. I'd also like to see us continue to add more content over time.
Noel: Any last comments, things you're looking forward to, messages to potential authors—things like that?
Ken: We're always looking for new authors and those who have great things to say about testing, agility, configuration management, and especially the management of people and projects. So, please contact me at [email protected] with any ideas.

User Comments

1 comment
Rajini Padmanaban's picture
Rajini Padmanaban

Good introductory summary Ken and Noel. Ken - it has been great working with you so far and here's wishing you the very best in your new role!

September 12, 2013 - 4:47am

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