Interviews and Videos

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Dave Cotter discusses mobile software development Head Tracking, 3D, and the Birth of Firefly: An Interview with Dave Cotter

In this interview, SquareHub cofounder and CEO Dave Cotter talks about his rich experience in the tech industry, the uses of 3D and head tracking in modern mobile software, and the implications that Amazon’s Firefly might have on microtransactions.

Josiah Renaudin's picture Josiah Renaudin
Netflix's Gareth Bowlestalks about teting in the cloud Using the Netflix Simian Army: An Interview with Gareth Bowles

Gareth Bowles of Netflix talks about his upcoming presentation at STARWEST 2014, how the cloud is all about fault tolerance, how his time at several Sillicon Valley start-ups has prepared him for joining Netflix, and how his career turned him from a developer into a tester. 

David Oddis talks about defect analysis and test management Defect Analysis and Managing Testing in Multiple SDLCs: An Interview with David Oddis

David Oddis talks about the importance of having an effective defect analysis process, as well as insight on how to manage testing across various SDLCs and the challenges it could present for teams. He also shares his opinions on today's hot topics.

Mark Meretzky talks about creating Android apps in Java Creating Android Apps in Java: An Interview with Mark Meretzky

In this interview, Mark Meretzky talks about his presentation at Agile Development and Better Software Conference West 2014, how he feels about Android versus iOS, his favorite programming language to teach at New York University, and what language he thinks programmers should learn first.

Jay McFarling and Danielle Roecker talk about making mainframe technology agile Make Your Mainframe Systems and Technology More Agile: An Interview with Jay McFarling and Danielle Roecker

Jay and Danielle talk about their presentation at Agile Development and Better Software Conference West 2014, why teams should care about their mainframe systems going agile, the role of legacy tech in an agile world, and some ways that teams can modernize their development practices.

Mike Baukes talks about implementing DevOps in a large organization Implementing DevOps in Large, Complex Organizations: An Interview with Mike Baukes

Mike Baukes talks about his definition of DevOps and why it's hard for organizations to get it right, common failues organizations experience when implementing DevOps, and the importance of visibility across the organization, and he even covers some of the great tools available today.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Steve Berczuk talks about how Agile Impacts Configuration Management and Testing How Agile Impacts Configuration Management and Testing: An Interview with Steve Berczuk

Steve Berczuk is a regular contributor to TechWell and StickyMinds and a principal engineer and ScrumMaster at Fitbit in Boston. In this interview, Steve discusses configuration management and agile, helpful tools, and how testing has evolved over the years with the rise of agile.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Joe Townsend talks about configuration management How Configuration Management Is Changing: An Interview with Joe Townsend

Joe Townsend has been working in the configuration management field for fifteen years and is a regular contributor to CMCrossroads. In this interview, Joe discusses how configuration management has changed over the years, the trouble with tools, and trends in IT.

Jonathan Vanian's picture Jonathan Vanian
Fazeel Gareeboo talks about automated testing in video game development Automation in Sports Video Game Testing: An Interview with Fazeel Gareeboo

In video game development, the pressure is on to add more features to sell more games. Getting buy-in to automate testing can be a challenge. Fazeel discusses the sports video game development environment and how to convince product owners to spend precious resources on automated testing.

LogiGear's Hung Nguyen talks technology Technology Trends of the Future: An Interview with Hung Nguyen

Hung Nguyen, the CEO, president, and founder of LogiGear, sat down with our very own Cameron Philipp-Edmonds to discuss how far technology has come in the last twenty years, where it might end up twenty years from now, and what role testing plays in it all. 


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