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Building For Success

This article addresses detailed scenarios and the associated problems with the build process. We look at the usually activities and work patterns of a developer and relate those to build practices.

Don't Become Hostage to Development Process Suites

Not many years ago, there seemed to be an increased demand that software development tools become better integrated. Now, it is expected that all software process tools from a single software house are tightly integrated. I started evaluating software process suites, and started promoting them to our development teams.

David Baird
What Are Branches in Software Development?

What is a Branch in software development? A branch is what happens when your development team needs to work on two distinct copies of a project at the same time. This is best explained by citing a common example.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Fixing the Fix - How Much Does it Really Cost?

I think everyone in our industry has heard at one time or another "It costs 3x more to fix software after deployment to production than it does fixing it right the first time." My question is; How do we prove that statement?

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Is It Upward Compatible?

I want to touch on one of the most basic and fundamental issues of configuration management that developers have to deal with. A common question addressed early on in a project is: Do I need to branch this software and maintain a parallel version? A common answer is: Well, if it's not upward compatible.

Joe Farah's picture Joe Farah
GNU Make Gotcha: ifndef and ?=

This month's article is about a little GNU Make Gotcha: an easy way to get tripped up by two pieces of GNU Make syntax that do similar things, yet one has a deceptive name. ifndef isn't really ifndef at all, it would better if it were called ifempty, while ?= does make its decision based on whether the variable is defined or not.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Merge Branches

What is "Merge Branches?" Many people find the word "merge" to be confusing, since it seems to imply that we start out with two things and end up with only one. I'm not going to start trying to invent new vocabulary. Instead, let's just try to be clear about what we mean we speak about merging branches.

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
Going Over the Fence

Software, we know, can be outsourced like sneakers, rubber balls, and helpdesks. That will put a damper on us in the career field of software configuration management. In the immortal words of the governor in Blazing Saddles, “We need to save our phony baloney jobs!” But what if we weren’t just managing software? What if we could apply the same principles to other products? Could we evolve into something more? Something bigger? Dare I say profitable?

TechWell Contributor's picture TechWell Contributor
The Trouble with $(wildcard)

$(wildcard) explained can be used anywhere in a Makefile or rule to get a list of files matching one or more glob style patterns.

John Graham-Cumming's picture John Graham-Cumming
SCM Patterns: Building on Task-Level Commit

“Dad,” asked a young man, “my lady friends keep talking to me about being ‘involved with’ them versus being ‘committed to’ them. What exactly is the difference between involvement and commitment?”

“What did you have for breakfast, son?” his father replied.

“Bacon and eggs like always. Why do you ask?” said the son.

“Bacon and eggs, my boy, is a perfect illustration of the difference between involvement and commitment: the chicken was involved, but the pig was committed!”

Austin Hastings


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