User Stories for Agile Requirements

Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software

Expressing requirements as user stories is one of the most broadly applicable techniques introduced by the agile processes. User stories are an effective approach on all time constrained projects and are a great way to introduce a bit of agility to any project. Mike Cohn describes the six attributes of good stories-independent, negotiable, valuable, estimable, sized appropriately, and testable. Explore how user stories help a team shift from more documents to more discussion, encouraging the right mix of both. Learn practical, proven techniques for gathering user stories. Discuss how much work should be done on a user story in advance and by whom and see why a just-in-time, just-enough approach aids a team in becoming agile. Discover the relationship between user stories, epics, themes, and conditions of satisfaction. Leave with a project-proven template for writing user stories and be prepared to put this powerful technique to use immediately.

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