Software Metrics to Improve Release Management

Nirmala Ramarathnam, The MathWorks Inc

In large organizations with multiple groups or multiple projects, developing consistent and useful metrics for release management is highly challenging. However, when targeted at specific release goals, metrics can help monitor the development schedule and provide both managers and developers with the data needed to improve quality. With nearly eighty products that must be released on the same date, Mathworks has developed a release metrics program with a consistent method to categorize and prioritize bugs based on severity and frequency. Learn how they track progress toward bug fix targets for each category of bugs and monitor them consistently across their product line throughout the release cycle. See examples of metrics reports designed for management and daily use by teams, including historical trending analysis of overall and customer-reported bug counts.

  • How to set up metrics aligned with release quality and schedule goals
  • A method to consistently categorize and prioritize bugs across multiple products
  • The different release metrics for the product team and management

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