Security Testing: From Threat to Attack to Fix

Julian Harty, Google, Inc.

Based on his years of experience in security testing, Julian Harty believes that most system stakeholders don't understand-or even recognize-the need for security testing. Perhaps they will pay an external consultant to perform an
occasional security audit, but they do not recognize the need for ongoing security testing. Julian will explain why security testing is vital, though often unappreciated. He will describe the security testing lifecycle, from threat, to attack, to fix. Julian shows how to gather information to become productive quickly if we're invited late to security testing. Julian prefers that we prevent attacks but also describes how to repair damage-to both data and reputation-if your systems are attacked. Join this session to begin security testing at your organization.

  • Examine the typical software security issues lifecycle
  • Determine how to get involved in security testing without a huge, up-front investment
  • Learn how to recognize your limitations, and when to get help

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