Mobbing for Test Design: Connecting with Your Colleagues’ Test Ideas

James Fogarty

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Do you have trouble generating test ideas? Are there bugs that are getting through because you missed certain tests? This workshop will teach you mob test design techniques to help you generate test ideas around your features and products. Join James Fogarty and Jeff MacBane to learn the benefits of mob test design and understand the value your colleagues bring to test design. First, they will explain how mob test design sessions work and why you need to be doing them. Next, they will explore a heuristic test strategy model they’ve developed to help organize a mob test design session based on the model. Next, James and Jeff will demonstrate how to use the test ideas generated from the mob test design workshop to build test scenarios and cases. And finally, they'll share their tips and experiences for making mob test design sessions effective. You'll be ready to take these ideas back to your team and practically apply mob test design sessions.

About the Presenter

James Fogarty is a passionate software testing practitioner. He works at TechSmith, the makers of Snagit, Camtasia, and other visual communication software applications. He works with software testers, developers, and business professionals to level up the software quality by designing tools, teaching automation, and involving the entire development team in testing and improving software quality. He's been testing digital cameras and imaging and commercial software for sixteen years. James cofounded the Lansing Area Software Testers Meetup, a group dedicated to improving software quality and the software community in the greater Lansing area.

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