Acceptance Testing: What It is and How To Do It Better - in Context

Michael Bolton, DevelopSense

When test engineers use the term "acceptance testing," they might be saying and thinking profoundly different things. Acceptance testing can mean one of at least a dozen approaches to the testing of a product and serve one or more of at least thirty different customer roles in a project. Tests and testing approaches that are appropriate in one context can be unacceptable-even disastrous-in another. When someone asks you to do user acceptance testing, what should you do? When should you do it? How do you determine success? Michael Bolton outlines the ways in which testers and test managers use context-driven thinking to better serve the mission of acceptance testing and develop skills to handle dramatically different testing situations. Apply your context in this interactive session to discover ways to improve your acceptance testing, and learn to use context-driven thinking in other areas, too.

  • The many customers for acceptance testing and what they value
  • Framing the mission for successful acceptance testing
  • An introduction to context-driven thinking in software testing

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