programming languages


DevOps off the Rails Has DevOps Gone Off the Rails?

DevOps is evolving with some potentially very harmful choices embedded in it. Among these are poor adoption of sound computer science, little thought to the maintainability of DevOps code, and choices of tools based solely on productivity without concern for maintainability. Will this cause DevOps to fail to live up to its potential?

Clifford Berg's picture Clifford Berg

Better Software Magazine Articles

Designing Reusable Software

For software to be reusable, it must be usable in a variety of contexts, and an important attribute of reusability at the code level is genericity. Learn more about defining for reuse and using generics.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison
Tools for Our Time

Software development has really changed over the years, and programming languages have evolved along with it. Learn more about D, one of today's more interesting languages; it's a high-level, type-safe language with the efficiency of C++ and the convenience of Java.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison
Evidence for Evolution

What important lessons can we learn from the evolution of the programming language Lisp? Brian Marick recounts the environment that enabled its creation and recommends we incorporate some of the Lisper practices into our own projects.

Brian Marick
The Roof Is Going to Go

As one poor German tourist can attest, idioms don't translate. But Chuck Allison thinks programmers should become "native speakers" of the programming languages they use. This includes using and understanding them, idioms and all.

Chuck Allison's picture Chuck Allison

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