

Kubernetes logo Using Kubernetes for Container Orchestration in DevOps

Containerization has replaced virtual machines to a great extent because containers are lightweight and make efficient use of the OS kernel. Docker’s efficient nature helps with software development, testing, delivery, and deployment in a DevOps environment, and all the benefits of Docker also apply to Kubernetes. Let’s explore some of the additional agile and DevOps benefits you can gain by using Kubernetes.

Deepak Vohra's picture Deepak Vohra
stacked containers Containers: A Tester's Friend or Foe?

Containers support the timely delivery of a quality software application. However, the change to a DevOps process involving containers will require testers to adapt to this new, more agile environment. What does that mean for testers and the work they do? Here's how testers can embrace these changes, containers, and DevOps.

Kevin Dunne's picture Kevin Dunne
docker logo Considering Containers: Is Docker Right for You?

Over the past few years, containers have emerged as possibly the most important trend in enterprise technology since the advent of hardware virtualization—and Docker is the most popular. But what do containers really do, and is adopting Docker the right move for your organization? Read on to find out.

Rami Sass's picture Rami Sass

Conference Presentations

Agile + DevOps East So You’re Using Docker. Now What?

These days everyone wants to containerize their application, but not everyone understands the best way to go about it.

Ryan Kenney
BSE Testing Microservices and Docker at Scale: The PB&J of Modern Systems

After predominantly being used in the build/test stage, Docker has matured and is expanding into production deployment. Similarly, microservices are expanding from greenfield web services to use throughout the enterprise as organizations explore ways to decompose their monolithic systems...

Anders Wallgren

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