Conference Presentations

STAREast Logo Ensuring Maximum Quality in the Era of IoT and Wearables

Until recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) was just an idea that techies talked about. Unlike innovations in the past, development and testing of the IoT is significantly more elaborate. After introducing the technology of wearables and IoT, Gauri Arondekar delves into the components and...

Gauri Arondekar
STAREast Logo The Selenium Grid: Run Multiple Automated Tests in Parallel

The Selenium Grid unleashes the full power of Selenium to run multiple automated tests in parallel across multiple platforms. Brian Long demonstrates the use of an open-source framework developed at Virginia Tech to get up and running with a Selenium Grid in about an hour. He begins by...

Brian Long
STAREast Logo Helpful Practices in Agile Testing

“Testing” in an agile environment is much different from classic testing on waterfall projects. Testers must be involved in all aspects of software development. Jeroen Mengerink shows you how professional testers can become key contributors in agile projects. First, he explains how to pair...

Jeroen Mengerink
STAREast Logo A Tester’s Experience with User Experience Mapping

Let's take an off-the-beaten-path approach to quality—testing based on actual user experiences. Being aware of surroundings and emotions while using intuition and instincts are attributes of great testing. With the right tools and approaches, we can learn to tap into users’ experiences to...

Marjana Shammi
STAREast Logo Build a Quality Engineering and Automation Framework

How would you like to be in this position? Development sends the final release candidate for multiple systems with a user base of one million just a day before the production release, and you are expected to sign off on the overall software quality. Rahul Shah is responsible for providing...

Rahul Shah
STAREast Logo Open Source Test Automation: Riding the Second Wave

After the first wave of open source test automation tools like Fitnesse and Watir, we are now in a stronger, second wave led by Selenium-based frameworks. This powerful swell, fueled by a major shift toward web-based applications on desktops and mobile devices, is changing how corporations...

David Dang
10,000 Years in Your Pocket: The Deep History of Your Mobile Device

We live in amazing times with amazing technology all around us. And mobile technology, delivered in iPhones and Android devices, is possibly the most amazing of all. While we designers, developers, and testers strive to make fantastic mobile apps and products, we often spend our efforts...

James Dempsey
Balancing New Tools and Technologies vs. Risk

Your engineering team wants to dive deeply into the newest programming tool or next generation technology for a mission critical project. How do you balance the promised rewards of a new language, software tool, or hardware technology with the risks of unstable software, hardware that does...

Ellen Shapiro
Guerrilla QA: The Mobile of the Internet of All the Things!

There are more than 10 billion devices connected today, and it’s predicted that by decade's end 99 percent of everything manufactured will be connected. And it all flows through the mobile world in some way. As mobile increasingly touches our lives, development teams and testers struggle...

Steven Winter
How to Build and Integrate a Framework for Testing Mobile SDKs

You need to build or integrate test frameworks and standardize the test process for your Android and iOS native SDKs. Where do you start? How do you do that while delivering products for both platforms? How quickly can you learn the fundamentals of Xcode, Objective-C, Gradle...

Jim Whisenant


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