Better Software Magazine Articles

Mind the Gap

The requirements composition table is an effective technique comprising six steps that will help you assess an application's test coverage and identify gaps in your test suite even if you don't have any software requirements specifications.

Yuri Chernak
Time for New Test Ideas

Testers are quick to think about speed when testing, but there are many other time-related guidewords that can help broaden your test coverage as well. Michael Bolton suggests a few guidewords to get you started.

Michael Bolton's picture Michael Bolton

Conference Presentations

Automate to Accelerate: Planning Your Next Test Automation Steps

Is your organization implementing test automation and not achieving the expected success? Are you spending too much effort rewriting scripts that don't hold up over time? Do your test plans sometimes look like random acts of automation? Roi Carmel shares a pragmatic process he’s used for defining automation goals, addressing automation challenges, and assessing an organization’s readiness for automation. Learn how to achieve greater success with automation and significantly increase test coverage, shrink timelines, and support overall business goals. Although there is no magic bullet, no express lane to a perfect automation center of excellence, Roi explains how organizations can assess their maturity against an automation maturity model in the areas of people, processes, and technology.

Andrew Flick, Hewlett-Packard
STAREAST 2000: A Risk-Based Test Strategy

Testing information systems should be based on the business risks to the organization using these information systems. In practice, test managers often take an intuitive approach to test coverage for risks. In this double-track presentation, discover how a "stepwise" definition of test strategy can be used for any test level as well as the overall strategy-providing better insight and a sound basis for negotiating testing depth.

Ingrid Ottevanger, IQUIP Informatica
Trimming the Test Suite: Using Coverage Analysis to Minimize Re-Testing

Coverage Analysis System (CAS) data is often useful in determining that enough tests have been written, and identifying C-code lines that have no test coverage. In this presentation, Jim Boone explores various methods that use CAS data to determine the best set of automated tests to execute for a corrected defect. Learn the strengths, weaknesses, and best stage for using each method.

Jim Boone, SAS, Institute, inc.
Performance Evaluation and Measurement of Enterprise Applications

Today's large-scale enterprise applications are all Web-enabled and complex in nature. Many users experience performance problems from day one. Performance evaluation and measurement via extensive testing is the only practical way to raise and address all issues prior to a successful deployment. Learn how to tackle performance and capacity issues with the appropriate testing strategy and scalable infrastructure/architecture.

Rakesh Radhakrishnan, Sun Microsystems

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