Hi Deborah,
you are asking a very good question. In classic configuration management we say that there are four key functions - configuration identification, status accounting, change control and configuration audit. Your question relates to naming conventions which is a key aspect of configuration identification. Every software configuration management plan (SCMP) should have a corporate standard for naming conventions.
That said, naming conventions often differ from one organizationt to another. The important thing is that you have a documented standard so that everyone is on the same page. If I was there, I would probably ask a few people for their suggestions. The best conventions are developed in a collaborative way - which is also how we write standards.
Make sure that you check with your sharepoint administrators because they may have already decided on some naming standards and actually want your input.
Above all, keep it simple and communicate the convention to all stakeholders.
I do like using a two or three letter functional prefix and then number. For releass we typically use major-minor-bugfix.
Let's have some other folks offer their best practices!
Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief