
Better Software Magazine Articles

Developers and testers 5 Ways to Pair Developers with Testers

Some agile practices stress the importance of pairing team members together to achieve better team performance. Try these five suggestions for pairing key resources.

Jeffery Payne's picture Jeffery Payne
Building Autonomous DevOps Capability in Delivery Teams

After setting up a DevOps team and adopting continuous delivery practices, product releases may not be as smooth as they could be. The missing ingredient requires empowerment and autonomy.

Miiro Juuso's picture Miiro Juuso
Automation’s Role in the Fall of Software Testing

Has the rise in test automation resulted in product releases of lesser quality? Besides adopting more comprehensive automated scripting, there are process and organizational dynamics to consider.

John Tyson's picture John Tyson
Do You Really Want to Be a Project Manager in IT Company?

The transition from programmer to the manager is made additionally treacherous by the dramatic difference between what made us successful as programmers and what it takes to successfully manage others. The fact that few programming managers receive management training before they start managing further complicates the transition. Not to mention that the approaches to management—managing people in every role and domain—continue to dramatically evolve. This rapid evolution leaves us bewildered and stranded without an adequate supply of role models to follow.

Fleximal Solutions's picture Fleximal Solutions
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 I, Project Manager: Meet the Future of AI Software Delivery

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Rachel Burger
Better Software West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, DevOps West 2018 The Impact of Agile Quantified

For years, people have made recommendations for how to develop software in an agile way based almost entirely on intuition, folklore, and anecdotes. They've never been able to quantitatively show the accuracy or applicability of these recommendations. This session quantifies those recommendations in the most precise and objective terms, including a presentation of general findings in Larry Maccherone's research correlating agile practices to performance along the dimensions of productivity, predictability, quality, and time to market. These data can be used to make general decisions about what to focus on. The presentation also includes the numbers, so that instead of just saying that A is better than B, we can say that A is a 24 percent improvement in quality but a 10 percent reduction in productivity compared to B.

Larry Maccherone
Better Software West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, DevOps West 2018 Overcoming Test-Driven Damage

Test-driven development is supposed to help us refactor our code safely, but we often find that when we refactor our code, we also have to refactor our tests. What was supposed to add safety becomes a burden requiring time and effort. Writing good unit tests is a critical skill that developers need to master in order to get the most benefit from test-driven development. Tests must be unique, written at the right level of abstraction, and implementation-independent in order to be most valuable. In this session, David Bernstein will cover effective techniques for doing TDD that support building useful tests and quality code. You’ll learn how to approach TDD in a way that yields the right number and kind of tests to support improved refactoring. Working through a few code examples, you’ll see how many assertions are required to specify a linear range, exceptions, and other boundary conditions.

David Bernstein
DevOps West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, Better Software West 2018 Liquibase: An Open Source Version Control Tool for Your Database

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Blaine Carter
Better Software West 2018, Agile Dev West 2018, DevOps West 2018 Strategies for Selecting the Right Open Source Framework for Cross-Browser Testing

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Eran Kinsbruner
STAREAST 2018 DevOps Tools for Winning Agility

With a myriad of tools to choose from—open source, free, paid, and enterprise level—teams and organizations have seemingly endless options. Making the right tool decisions can impact the level of quality and success within DevOps projects. Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman discusses different tools, what tools work best together, and how—even in teams that are in silos—the right choices can make the difference between success and failure in DevOps implementations. Explore tools—such as Ansible, Jenkins, Maven, Delphix, Github, Liquibase, and Terraform—for automating builds and virtualization. Review reasons for choosing open source, “freemium,” or enterprise tools along with different hybrid tool combinations and explore why companies face new challenges as DevOps tools mature.

Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman


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