Conference Presentations

Quality Principles for Today's "Glueware"—Testing Web Services, Libraries, and Frameworks

In the past, developers knew every line of code in their applications. They designed it, wrote it, tested it, and controlled it. Today’s applications are far different. Rather than written, they are often assembled―from program language libraries, third-party frameworks, encapsulated...

Julie Gardiner, Redmind
Gamification in Assurance: The Future of QA and Testing Workspace

Quality Assurance and Testing is an interesting and challenging profession. As custodians of the business, we are responsible for assuring both the business and the end customer experience. Even though some testing activities have become mundane and repetitive, testing...

Kannan Subramaniam, Comcast, and Prasad MK, TCS
Eliminate the Testing Swiss Cheese Syndrome

Test plans and test coverage often resemble Swiss cheese—full of holes in high risk areas of code. And teams may be unaware because they lack sufficient visibility into what areas of...

Rich Newman, Coverity
Breaking Bad (Practices)—Testing Your Mobile App

Untested mobile applications are extremely unlikely to survive beyond the walls of your lab.  Let’s spend some time together exploring the very entertaining world of mobile app...

Kelly Emo, HP
Achieving Test Automation Critical Mass with Action Based Testing

Despite advances in testing, the reality is that companies often automate less than 30 percent of their functional tests. By practicing Action Based Testing (ABT) you can take your...

John Kane
The Power of an Individual Tester: The Experience

Like millions of other Americans, Ben Simo visited in search of health insurance and found a frustratingly buggy website that was failing to fulfill its purpose―to educate people on the new health insurance law and help them purchase health insurance. After failing to create...

Ben Simo, eBay, Inc.
Metrics That Matter

Imagine you’re a test manager starting a new assignment. On the first day of work, you’re presented with a list of metrics you are to report. Soon, you realize that most of the metrics are not really connected to what should be measured. Or, consider the situation where you’re told that...

Pablo Garcia, Redmind
Pairwise Testing Explained

Many software systems are required to process huge combinations of input data, all of which deserve to be tested. Since we rarely have time to create and execute test cases for all combinations, the fundamental problem in testing is how to choose a reasonably-sized subset that will find a...

Lee Copeland, Software Quality Engineering
The Unfortunate Triumph of Process over Purpose

As a test manager, James Christie experienced two divergent views of a single project. The official version claimed that planning and documentation were excellent, with problems discovered during test execution being managed effectively. In fact, the project had no useful plans, so testers...

James Christie, Claro Testing
Testing Lessons Learned from Sesame Street

Rob Sabourin has discovered testing lessons in the Simpsons, the Looney Tunes gang, Great Detectives, Dr. Seuss, and other unlikely places, but this year he journeys to Sesame Street. Sesame Street teaches basic life skills in a safe, entertaining, memorable style. Rob uses them to...

Rob Sabourin,


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