Conference Presentations

Becoming a Trusted Advisor to Senior Management

How can Test Managers present information about test results so that the correct message is received by decision-makers? Testing generates a huge amount of raw data, which must be analyzed, processed, summarized, and presented to management so the best decisions can be made quickly. Lloyd Roden shares his experiences as a test manager and as a consultant about communicating with and disseminating information to various levels of senior management. Develop your skills to become a "trusted advisor" to senior management rather than the "bearer of bad news". Find out innovative ways to keep the information flowing to and from management and avoid losing control of the test process, particularly near the delivery date. Learn the seven monitoring techniques Lloyd recommends for reporting on different aspects of the system under test.

Lloyd Roden, Grove Consultants
STAREAST 2003: Rapid Web Testing in a High-Velocity Environment

This paper discusses implementing METS (Minimal Essential Testing Strategy) for your test team. METS is a strategy to help get the essential testing for your project done within the time frame allowed. Step by step instructions for using this methodology are included.

Greg Paskal, Kinko's
How to Test Without Testable Requirements

This paper discusses why testing without requirements can create a problem for your project. Testing without the proper requirements can lead to less reliable software results and more software failures.

Mark Taylor, Analex Corporation
TestCafe: A Vendor Independent Test Execution Controller

This article gives examples of modular test design diagrams. It also discusses why using a custom test execution controller for your network project will benefit your team.

Jeff Feldstein, Cisco Systems Inc
Not Testing from Outside the Firewall? It'll Come Back to Haunt You

Performance testing measures response times, transaction rates, and other time sensitive requirements. The goal of performance testing is to verify that the performance requirements have been achieved. Performance testing is usually executed several times, each using a different "workload" on the system. This article discusses how to validate system performance, find bottlenecks, and tune system performance.

Christopher Nolan, Empirix Software
Bug Taxonomies: How to Generate Better Tests

This article discusses how to use bug taxonomies to help generate better tests. The author explains that a test team's goal should be to create a useful taxonomy that can be used as a framework to brainstorm for possible risks to the application.

Giri Vijayaraghavan, Texas Instruments Inc
Software Testing Turnovers

This paper was originally presented at an SQE STAR conference. It is offered here unedited in its original format.


Jeffrey S. Davis
Building Executable Software Test Specifications

This paper discusses how executable software test specifications can help you reach project goals, and offer solutions to three common software problems. You will also learn how to articulate software development goals so they can be shared by product and test developers.

Michael Corning, Microsoft Corporation
STAREAST 2003: How to Break Software

This course will provide you with some ideas to make your testing more effective. These ideas require self-study, practice, practice, and more practice. Take a look inside as James Whittaker teaches you how to break software.

James Whittaker, Florida Institute of Technology
Applications-Centric Testing of System-Level Components

Testing system-level components such as the Java API for XML-Based Remote Procedure Calls is a challenging task. Employing use-case techniques from the Unified Modeling Language (UML), Vinay Pai describes a novel approach for testing such components. His team developed use cases for a realistic application that would use the components, then developed test case designs from those use cases. The resulting test suite uncovered more than 200 defects in eight months, and exceeded code coverage goals by almost 50 percent. Learn the details of this approach and recommendations for transitioning to application-centric testing for your system-level components.

Vinay Pai and Arun Gupta, Sun Microsystems


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