configuration management Questions

Hello CMC Team,


I have been working on SVN for more than 2 years, and one of the features i admired in this tool, is that it can be coupled with Standard web-container like Apache to extract logs on usage management. (better security).

Do you know if a setup like that can (or had existed) for CM Synergy (v:7.1), where i can procure the list of users on demand, irrespective of the source repositories hosted in the tool

Thank you for your response.


nagarjun k

into Synergy CM, is_product allows managing compilation products for example. but when you create elements (particularly when there are a lot of object files), you must tag each file individually.


is there a way to force this attribute at object creation ?


Moreocer, is there some litterature on is_product management (I found nothing or nerly nothing on IBM web site)



By Bob Aiello - March 10, 20137 Answers

Hi everyone,

my esteemed colleague Marc Bools and I have started working on bringing back the CM Wiki and we want you to help us with the design and requirements of a new CM Wiki!!!

Here is a hight level list of the topics from the old wiki. This is your chance to help!!

Topics you will find in the CM web 


  • Configuration Management 
  • Software Configuration Management 
  • Build Management 
  • Change Management 


  • CM Tools - Software and tools for Change and Configuration Control - HCM/SCM 
  • CM Integrations - Integration of CM tools with other tools 
  • Frequently Asked Questions 

Concepts and theories: 

  • ConfigurationManagementBodyOfKnowledge (a.k.a. CMBoK ™) 
  • CM versus SCM - Thoughts on the differences between the terms CM and SCM 
  • CM Metrics - What you could gain in time and money when using CM. 
  • CM Metaphors and Analogies -- metaphors and analogies for describing CM 

Processes and practices: 

  • Agile Development and Agile SCM - Ideas on Agile Development and how it affects CM 
  • Configuration Management Process 
  • Change Management Process 
  • Branching and Merging for Parallel Development 
  • CM and Web Engineering 
  • CM and Databases 

Templates and Examples: 

  • CM Templates - Quick templates to help you start implementing a CM solution 


  • TBD 


  • Suite Vs Best Of Breed 
  • SCM Readings - Some recommended SCM books and papers 
  • History of CM 
  • WhosWhoInSCM  

Starting points

  • TBD 

What other topics should we include?? How do we provide more value from our new and improved CM Wiki.

Drop me a line and get involved!

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
[email protected]

Hi everyone,

as always we love to get YOUR input on which topics we should be covering in the coming months. 
Obviously, DevOps is hot, Cloud & Mobile are essential. We have had many issues dedicated to CM for Small Teams, Process and more process and tips and strategies for Build Engineers.

What topics would you like us to cover? What topics would you like to write about yourself??
(Hint - I will help you! - just contact me directly)

Bob Aiello
Editor in Chief
[email protected]

Is there is any study done which can state the ratio of  no. of SCM resources support to Dev+QA  resources in a company?

Dear All,

I would like to know the SCM tools that are used for technologies such as Cloud Computing. Seen from this perspective, has anything changed with regards to the ITIL processes? For instance, with cloud computing, servers and application softwares are maintained by thirdparty companies such as Amazon. So, when development needs to release and deploy a software package, what ITIL processes have changed (if any)? I imagine that the SCM processes would be lean for cloud computing - correct me if I am wrong?



Cell: (+91) 9535279950

E-mail: [email protected]

Hi Everyone!

this is a great time to get involved with CM Crossroads by submitting your own articles on software and systems development. CM Crossroads has always had a strong focus on Configuration Management within the full software and systems lifecycle and this means that we are interested in articles on a wide array of topics. Contact me directly to get involved with submitting your own articles and I will help you with getting started, forming your ideas and editing your article for publication.

Common topics include:

  • Build and Release Engineering
  • Source Code Management including branching and streams
  • Deployment Engineering (DevOps)
  • Development in the Cloud
  • Configuration Management (including the CMDB)
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment
  • Environment Management
  • Change Management

    and much more! 

    Bob Aiello
    Editor in Chief
    [email protected]

I'm setting up a documentation library for a customer on a shared directory pending transfer to SharePoint later in the year. Per the customer’s request, the document ID numbers should contain an abbreviation for the team (e.g., CM for Configuration Management, EA for Enterprise Architecture, and SI for Systems Infrastructure). I'm adding docs related to Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). 

I don't know whether to number these docs as CM, EA, or SI. Or whether to add a new abbreviation, maybe OTH for Other (which seems sub-optimal). Examples of the documents are:

Configuring SCCM
Installing SCCM
Importing Drivers into SCCM
Installing System Center Client on Servers
Configuring SCCM Client Policies
Create a Package in SCCM


We will later add documents for two other apps in the System Center suite: Operations Manager and Service Manager. I can see having similar questions about these… with additional abbreviations being M&M for Management & Monitoring and HD for Help Desk.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!

Hi All,

As a configuration engineer, what all are the points we need to discuss, or what all are the questions to be asked to decide which version control tool can be used for a new project developement?

As there are many version control tools available, I want to know the diffenrences among them and benifites of them.


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