STAREAST 2000 - Software Testing Conference

Functional and Regression Testing of Web Applications
Gone are the days for most commercial Web sites when the "application" on the site was the Web. Now Web sites are often just the presentation layer for sophisticated applications that interact with a complexity of internal and external systems, all glued together in an elaborate architecture using Corba or DCOM. Learn how to ensure that transaction-based Web sites function properly. Explore the benefits of automated testing in these environments. |
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Graybox Software Testing in the Real World in Real-Time
The Graybox Testing Methodology is used to test embedded systems. Recent studies have confirmed that the Graybox method can be applied in real-time using software executing on the target platform, expanding the capabilities of this method to include not only path coverage verification but also worst-cast/best-case path timing. Learn how this methodology has been applied in a real-time environment to validate mission-critical embedded software systems. |
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High Speed Testing Cycles: An Approach to Accelerated Delivery of Bug-Free Software
Large companies often have multiple software development projects running at the same time. Getting enough infrastructure in place to test these projects concurrently, however, can be very difficult. A High Speed Testing Methodology (called "Testing Trains") has been developed to perform system/acceptance testing for large-scale projects in two-week periods. Learn how Testing Trains can be successful in delivering bug-free software on schedule for your organization. |
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How to Break Software Applications: A Case Study
James Whittaker took a group of untrained (and untainted) college students, ran them through a rigorous testing boot camp, and then pointed them at an already tested, world-class software product. Their mission: test it, break it, prove it works, and then automate everything you did. The outcome: interesting bugs, cool test automation, compelling test patterns, and useful ways of testing that you might never have considered before. |
![]() James Whittaker, Florda Tech |
It Depends: Deciding on the Correct Ratio of Developers to Testers
Some people think there is a specific answer to the question, "What is the correct staffing ratio for developers to testers in a software development organization?" Usually, though, the only right answer is, "It depends." The answer you need depends on your situation: what you are doing, how quickly you are trying to do it, the culture you work in, and the results you desire and can tolerate. Explore the analysis involved to decide on your correct staffing ratios. |
![]() Johanna Rothman, Rothman Consulting Group, Inc. |
Manage Testing by the Numbers
Telcordia's Software Quality Assurance Testing Organization Business Model was developed to assist its SQA Testing Management Team in becoming more effective and productive in managing SQA testing. Learn how the implementation of this model can help raise the overall technical expertise of your test management team. |
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Mutating Automated Tests
Most automated tests are used as regression tests-doing the same exercises each time the test is run. Douglas Hoffman describes a different type of automated test-one that does something different each time. Learn how this powerful type of automated test can result in better test coverage and detection of more defects. Explore the pros and cons for mutating automated tests drawn from the presenter's work experience and real-life examples. |
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Outsourcing the Software Testing Effort: A Negotiating Checklist
This presentation raises several of the issues involved in partial or complete outsourcing of the software testing effort. Attorney Cem Kaner presents his negotiating checklist, including how to evaluate the costs, benefits, and risks of test outsourcing. Learn how to effectively use an outsourcer's staff with your testing projects. |
Cem Kaner, J.D., Ph.D., Florida Tech |
Performance Testing E-Commerce Web Systems
Performance testing of e-commerce Web systems is critical to the effectiveness of Web sites. Michael Hagen describes how Vanguard went through extensive load testing in preparation for the Y2K weekend. Discover how to develop performance requirements, set up a performance testing environment, and execute the actual testing. Gain invaluable insight into what makes a Web system--from browser to mainframe-perform or not perform. |
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Soap Opera Testing
It is far from easy to develop good tests. Translating requirements one by one into test cases ins't always good enough. You can end up with an unmanageable volume of boring tests that lack effectiveness in finding complex and hidden problems. Based on experiences in numerous testing and test automation projects, Hans Buwalda presents several techniques to improve the process of test development. |
Hans Buwalda, CMG TestFrame Research Center |